Monday, 26 November 2012

Winter/fall korean men's fashion

I often find that men ALWAYS look better when dressed for the cold weather, just compare a slouchy Tee with some shapeless board shorts topped off with a pair of grungy thongs to a nice tweed coat and long trousers. 
Am I right? 

Korean people are like the GODS of dressing nicely out of all my asian friends so I found a few pictures off Korean sites to share with you guys. 

If your a girl and you're reading this...may this post help you in picking out christmas presents for your boy friends? or just swoon over the ulzzangs ^ ^

there's honestly only 3 things I love to see on guys, 
1. a low cut V neck Tee (printless) with an unbuttoned cardigan
2. a loose (preferably bright colored) knitted sweater over shirt (collar tucked in) and an oversized knitted scarf winded around multiple times
3. a dark jumper with a heavy army coat (large lapels), black jeans and ankle boots.

^ if you're a guy and you own all the above items, MARRY ME

one thing I don't like are short leather jackets -_- unless you're hot enough to pull it off without looking like a drunk hipster....don't wear it 

tbh the only item you need for an instant asian look is an oversized scarf. wind it around like a turtle neck and voila!  

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